Thanks, Bill, that solved it.

- Matt

--- "William A. Rowe, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello Matt,
>   Since this is unique to you (using .NET 2.0) and was developed
> with .NET 1.1 - I'm going to guess that Apache.Native.apr_table_t
> is triggering an altogether different behavior under the 2.0 CLR
> than it did in 1.0/1.1.
>   The new test snapshot, available from
> has a new feature, AspNetVersion.  Try this version, and add
>   AspNetVersion v1.1.4322
> in httpd.conf to force mod_aspdotnet to use that flavor of the CLR.
> Thanks,
> Bill
> At 08:00 PM 2/2/2005, you wrote:
> >Hello! I'm quite excited about the prospect of ASP.NET on Apache,
> but
> >I'm encountering a problem. Whenever I try to browse to a simple
> .aspx
> >file Apache returns a 500 Internal Server Error. This is a fresh
> >[Wed Feb 02 19:14:38 2005] [error] [client] mod_aspdotnet:
> >Failed to create ASP.NET Request, Exception follows, referer:
> >http://localhost/sa/
> >[Wed Feb 02 19:14:38 2005] [error] mod_aspdotnet: HandleRequest:
> Failed
> >with unexpected Exception; System.TypeLoadException: Could not load
> >type 'Apache.Native.apr_table_t' from assembly 'Apache.Web,
> >Version=, Culture=neutral,
> >PublicKeyToken=9b9b842f49b86351'.\r\n   at
> >Apache.Web.Host.HandleRequest(Int32 Req)\r\n   at
> >Apache.Web.HostFactory.HandleHostRequest(Int32 HostKey, Int32 Req)
> >I have .NET framework versions 1.0.3705, 1.1.4322, and 2.0.40607
> >installed. Apache.Web.dll shows up in the GA (C:/Windows/assemblies)
> >although I can't find it on the disk.
> >
> >Does anyone have suggestions about what I might do about this, or at
> >least where to look further? I can provide further information if
> >needed.
> >
> >Thanks,
> >  Matt Morrison

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