I've been testing mod_aspdotnet and found that it does not honor the <HttpHandlers> directive has it keeps looking for files in the file system that should be dynamicaly generated.

Two examples:

Example 1

I have an application where all content is generated dynamicly using a .page extensions. For that, the web config contains an entry such as this:

<!-- Custom Handler [*.page] -->
<add verb="*" path="*.page" type="ISCA.WebControls.Components.PageHandlerHelper, ISCA.WebControls" />
And when I try to acess a .page document I get this error:

[Thu Feb 24 18:37:31 2005] [error] [client] mod_aspdotnet: File not found or unable to stat: C:/loki/webroot/ISCA/welcome.page

The entry for this application in httpd.conf is as follow:
AddHandler asp.net page
AspNetMount /ISCA "C:/loki/webroot/ISCA"
Alias /ISCA "C:/loki/webroot/ISCA"
<Directory "C:/loki/webroot/ISCA">
Options FollowSymlinks Indexes Includes ExecCGI
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
DirectoryIndex default.htm default.aspx

Example 2
If one tries the HttpCompressionModule from http://www.blowery.org/code/HttpCompressionModule.html that was given as an example previously in the list

which also contains a HttpHandler for throw.aspx it will give the same error.

[Thu Feb 24 18:48:07 2005] [error] [client] mod_aspdotnet: File not found or unable to stat: C:/loki/webroot/Example/throw.aspx

and the "404 Not Found" error in the browser instead of the //"My custom exception." //page assigned.

Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong.

Luis Sousa

// //


Luís Fernando Alves Sousa

ISEL - Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa
Centro de Cálculo
Rua Conselheiro Emídio Navarro 1
Edifício 4, Sala 7

Tel: (+351) 218317190
Fax: (+351) 218317171
Ext: 1407

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