

I’m trying to use mod_aspdotnet in conjunction with VirtualHost directive but I cant get it to work.

I’ve a webserver on which I want to run multiple sites with name-based virtual hosting, so in my httpd.conf I have the following instructions:


NameVirtualHost *:80


<VirtualHost *:80>

    DocumentRoot "C:/wwwroot"



<VirtualHost *:80>

    DocumentRoot "C:/wwwroot/test1"

    ServerName test1.local



# -----------------------------------------------------------

# Site 1

# -----------------------------------------------------------

<VirtualHost *:80>

            ServerName www.site-one.it

            ServerAlias site-one.it *.site-one.it

            DocumentRoot "C:/wwwroot/site-one.it/v4.0"


            AspNetMount / "C:/wwwroot/site-one.it/v4.0"


            <Directory "C:/wwwroot/site-one.it/v4.0">

                        Options FollowSymlinks Indexes Includes ExecCGI

                        Order allow,deny

                        Allow from all

                        DirectoryIndex default.htm default.aspx




# -----------------------------------------------------------

# Site 2

# -----------------------------------------------------------

<VirtualHost *:80>

            ServerName www.site-two.it

            ServerAlias site-two.it *.site-two.it

            DocumentRoot "C:/wwwroot/site-two.it/v2.0"


            AspNetMount / "C:/wwwroot/site-two.it/v2.0"


            <Directory "C:/wwwroot/site-two.it/v2.0">

                        Options FollowSymlinks Indexes Includes ExecCGI

                        Order allow,deny

                        Allow from all

                        DirectoryIndex default.htm default.aspx





I want site-one to be an ASP.NET application and site-two to be a separate application. They are distinguished only by the host name the client uses to access my server.

Aside that the docs states that AspNetMount can be placed only OUTSIDE a VirtualHost directive (but in this way apache always give me error when doing a request), this configuration seem to work. If I access site-one it’s working perfectly.

If I access site-two it’s warking also (aspx pages are served correctly) BUT it doesn’t handle session correctly.

The same site under IIS is working correctly…

It seems to me that it’s a problem with the AspNetMount directive but I tried different combinations and I just cant get it…




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