I have successfully served my asp .net pages from a directory called 'scripts', just off the root directory.

I then modified my httpd.conf, in an attempt to serve my asp .net pages off the root directory. I get a 403 Forbidden error now ("you don't have permission to access / on this server"). This error comes up when I try to access any part of the site (not just from asp .net pages).

Below is the excerpt from my httpd.conf that I have been tweaking. How can I change this to serve my asp .net files in the root directory?

I have not changed the comments since I got the original example off the Internet. "C:/www/internal_dev/" is the document root of the virtual host.

LoadModule aspdotnet_module modules/mod_aspdotnet.so

AddHandler asp.net asax ascx ashx asmx aspx axd config cs csproj licx rem resources resx soap vb vbproj vsdisco webinfo

<IfModule mod_aspdotnet.cpp>

  # Mount the ASP.NET /asp application
  AspNetMount / "c:/www/internal_dev"
  #/SampleASP is the alias name for asp.net to execute
  #"c:/SampleASP" is the actual execution of files/folders  in that location

  # Map all requests for /asp to the application files
  Alias / "c:/www/internal_dev"
  #maps /SampleASP request to "c:/SampleASP"
  #now to get to the /SampleASP type http://localhost/SampleASP
  #It'll redirect http://localhost/SampleASP to "c:/SampleASP"

  # Allow asp.net scripts to be executed in the /SampleASP example
  <Directory "c:/www/internal_dev/">
    Options FollowSymlinks ExecCGI
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
    DirectoryIndex index.htm index.aspx
   #default the index page to .htm and .aspx

  # For all virtual ASP.NET webs, we need the aspnet_client files
  # to serve the client-side helper scripts.
  AliasMatch /aspnet_client/system_web/(\d+)_(\d+)_(\d+)_(\d+)/(.*) "C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v$1.$2.$3/ASP.NETClientFiles/$4"

  <Directory "C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v*/ASP.NETClientFiles">
    Options FollowSymlinks
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all


Joseph Kraehenbuehl,
Network/Web Administrator and Purchasing
First Community Credit Union
(701) 253-5142

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