I installed mod_aspdotnet and have not been able to get it to serve an ASP.Net page properly.  When I request the URL, I get a regular .Net error page, like one would see if there was an error in an ASP.Net page being served by IIS.  The error is a NullReferenceException.  I have tried a couple of simple sample pages and built a page using WebMatrix that it was able to run ok.  They all give the same error.  Here is one of the pages:

<%@ Page Language="C#" %>
<script runat="server">

    // Insert page code here

        This is a test

It doesn't assign any variables, so I don't know where the error is coming from.

Here is the trace:
   System.Web.UnsafeNativeMethods.DirMonOpen(String dir, Boolean watchSubtree, UInt32 notifyFilter, NativeFileChangeNotification callback, IntPtr& pCompletion) +0
  System.Web.DirMonCompletion..ctor(DirectoryMonitor dirMon, String dir, Boolean watchSubtree, UInt32 notifyFilter) +79
  System.Web.DirectoryMonitor.StartMonitoring() +42
  System.Web.DirectoryMonitor.StartMonitoringFile(String file, FileChangeEventHandler callback, String alias) +154
  System.Web.FileChangesMonitor.StartMonitoringDirectoryRenamesAndBinDirectory(String dir, FileChangeEventHandler callback) +278
  System.Web.HttpRuntime.FirstRequestInit(HttpContext context) +316

I appreciate anyone's insight on this.

Wes Dyk, Production Systems Analyst
Noble Energy Production, Inc.
Direct Dial: (303)228-4206

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