On Wed, 26 Jul 2023 21:14:07 GMT, Alexey Ivanov <aiva...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>>> Probably… But it is still incorrect. Initialising COM on a thread doesn't 
>>> mean you can call COM object methods from any thread in your application.
>> Note that "Objects created on a COM thread in a multithread apartment (MTA) 
>> must be able to receive method calls from other threads at any time", so if 
>> we initialisethe devices on one thread using COM they will be avaliable on 
>> other threads as well. But the spec for DirectSoundEnumerate says nothing 
>> about COM... But from some examples I see ppl wrap it by the 
>> CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED)/CoUninitialize();
>> Not sure we can call CoInitializeEx on the main thread.
>> > Probably… But it is still incorrect. Initialising COM on a thread doesn't 
>> > mean you can call COM object methods from any thread in your application.
>> Note that "Objects created on a COM thread in a multithread apartment (MTA) 
>> must be able to receive method calls from other threads at any time", so if 
>> we initialisethe devices on one thread using COM they will be avaliable on 
>> other threads as well.
> But from the threads where you initialised COM as MTA.
> The docs for `CoInitializeEx` clearly state you have to initialise COM before 
> you can use it. Thus, calling methods of COM objects from an arbitrary thread 
> in your application is wrong, isn't it?
>> But the spec for DirectSoundEnumerate says nothing about COM... But from 
>> some examples I see ppl wrap it by the CoInitializeEx(NULL, 
>> COINIT_MULTITHREADED)/CoUninitialize();
>> Noe sure we can call CoInitializeEx on the main thread.
> It's for any thread not only the main thread… You can all 
> `AudioSystem.getMixerInfo` from any thread in a Java app, if 
> `DirectSoundEnumerate` needs COM to be initialised even though the 
> documentation doesn't mention it, we have to initalise COM. Thus there are 
> two options:
> 1. Call `CoInitializeEx`, enumerate devices, and call `CoUninitialize`.
> 2. Create an executor service which initialises COM on its worker thread, 
> enumerate devices on the worker thread and return the devices. The worker 
> thread may terminate (after it calls `CoUninitialize`) if it doesn't receive 
> more requests in a period of time.

> > > 3. Do another CoInitialize before call  :- not a good approach
> > 
> > Yet it does not break the rules: you can initialise COM, call an API and 
> > then call 
> > [`CoUninitialize`](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/combaseapi/nf-combaseapi-couninitialize).
> >  If you don't keep any references to COM objects, it is valid.
> Tried this approach and it works, we may need to do the similar approach for 
> another function `DAUDIO_GetDirectAudioDeviceDescription` because this also 
> calling `DirectSoundEnumerateW `& `DirectSoundCaptureEnumerateW `

Does this approach return full names for devices, without truncating them?


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/14898#discussion_r1275491546

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