On Tue, 5 Dec 2023 14:24:09 GMT, Prasanta Sadhukhan <psadhuk...@openjdk.org> 

> But it can be a bug in the code that it never gave a chance second time..I 
> think it should get a chance to reload the URL again in case it is invalid 
> the 1st time so I guess the change should be the one where if url is invalid, 
> `loadedImage ` should not be set and it will need a relook at the url (to be 
> set by user)

My point is it must re-load the image **whenever base is changed**, as @mrserb 
pointed out.

If you want to implement this feature, submit a new bug — it is out of scope 
for this issue. Better yet, just submit the new bug to document the discovered 

Re-loading the image if and only if the `url` is `null` is inconsistent. I 
strongly believe the image is to be re-loaded either *always* or *never* at all 
rather than sometimes.

Currently, it's in *never* mode. I am for preserving the current behaviour 
rather than adding a half-baked solution.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/16917#issuecomment-1840924704

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