On Mon, 16 Jan 2023 14:19:52 GMT, Alexey Ivanov <aiva...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> This is somewhat a continuation of #11104 where the issue was discussed and 
> where I found [the root 
> cause](https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/pull/11104#issuecomment-1382435784).
> **Root Cause**
> The icon extraction code compares the returned handle to zero: 
> https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/blob/8cb25d3de494c6d9357a1c199e1a9dbff9be9948/src/java.desktop/windows/classes/sun/awt/shell/Win32ShellFolder2.java#L1157-L1158
> On 64-bit systems, a valid handle can be negative. For example:
> getIcon : Desktop 16(16)
> GetIconLocation(uFlags=0x22, flags=0x4, index=-110) SUCCESS - 
> szBuf=C:\Windows\system32\imageres.dll
> Extract - hres: 0, hIcon=0000000019B200F9, hIconSmall=FFFFFFFFF98C00EB, 
> size=16(0x100020)
> !!! hIcon(0xfffffffff98c00eb) <= 0 : Desktop 16(16)
> Here in `size=16(0x100020)`, 16 is the requested icon size, the value in 
> parenthesis is value of `iconSize` passed to the 
> [`Extract`](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/shlobj_core/nf-shlobj_core-iextracticonw-extract)
>  method that contains the size for small icon in high word and that for large 
> icon in low word. `Desktop 16(16)` means the icon of size 16×16 is requested, 
> and we're extracting 16×16 icon.
> The icon was extracted _successfully_ but its handle was interpreted as an 
> error.
> The same problem exists in the fallback code:
> https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/blob/8cb25d3de494c6d9357a1c199e1a9dbff9be9948/src/java.desktop/windows/classes/sun/awt/shell/Win32ShellFolder2.java#L1161
> Then when the fallback code is executed, another problem occurs:
> GetIconLocation(uFlags=0x40, flags=0x1a3, index=-675088752) SUCCESS - szBuf=
> Extract - hres: 80004005, hIcon=0000000000000000, 
> hIconSmall=000001A3D7C2F83A, size=16(100020)
> hIcon = 0x1a3d7c2f83a : Desktop 16(16)
> The error code 0x80004005 is `E_FAIL`. Yet the return value is not verified 
> in the code:
> https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/blob/8cb25d3de494c6d9357a1c199e1a9dbff9be9948/src/java.desktop/windows/native/libawt/windows/ShellFolder2.cpp#L997-L1003
> Since the icon handle is *seemingly* valid, it continues to extracting the 
> icon bits:
> native getIconBits - fn_GetIconInfo returned false
> Error code: 0x57a - Invalid cursor handle.
> makeIcon: iconBits = null
> It's not a surprise. After all, the `Extract` method returned an error, which 
> means neither icon handle is valid.
> In the end, the `MultiResolutionIcon` contains `null`:
>     16 -> null
>     32 -> BufferedImage @ 59e735d
>     24 -> BufferedImage @ 60b2faf0
> This problem has existed fo...

Thank you, Karl, for bringing the problem in this PR. It already exist in JBS 
as [JDK-8320692](https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8320692): _Cannot invoke 

I added my observations there. The problem is likely applicable to other file 
types which have per-instance icons, however, these are uncommon with the 
exception of exe files. The suggested fix won't work, there should be an icon 
but we have to handle the fallback gracefully.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/12010#issuecomment-1874358079

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