On Mon, 8 May 2023 18:44:00 GMT, Sergey Bylokhov <s...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> I do not know why `WritableRaster.setRect(Raster)` computes intersection 
>> with its own code in the method body instead of delegating to 
>> `Rectangle.intersection(Rectangle)` in the same way as 
>> `BufferedImage.setData(Raster)` does. For now I see no technical reason. I'm 
>> tempted to add a commit to this pull request for replacing the intersection 
>> calculation of `WritableRaster.setRect(Raster)`, but abstained for now 
>> because I though that reviewers or sponsors may want to minimize the 
>> changes. However I believe that this replacement would be desirable at least 
>> for the extra robustness of `Rectangle` regarding underflow and overflow.
> Can we prove the overflow issue there by some test? If yes then probably it 
> would be useful to fix it as well, probably even as separate bug which can be 
> later backported.

In theory the following code would demonstrate the overflow:

var sm = new BandedSampleModel(DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE, 100, 100, 1);
var r1 = Raster.createWritableRaster(sm, new Point(Integer.MAX_VALUE - 150, 0));
var r2 = Raster.createWritableRaster(sm, new Point(Integer.MAX_VALUE -  50, 
0));    // Overflow on X.

It practice it does not happen so easily because the `Raster` constructor 
detects in advance the overflow and throws a `RasterFormatException` saying 
_"overflow condition for X coordinates of Raster"_. However because the 
`Raster.minX` field is protected and non-final, the constructor check can be 
bypassed as below:

var r2 = new WritableRaster(sm, new Point()) {
    {   // Constructor
        minX = Integer.MAX_VALUE - 50;
        sampleModelTranslateX = minX;

In which case the overflow happens and manifest itself with an 
`ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException`. I do not know if this is considered a too 
convolved case for being worth a fix. However using the `BufferedImage` code, 
in addition of being robust to this case, would also be simpler.


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/13797#discussion_r1192681645

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