On Mon, 24 Jun 2024 20:16:30 GMT, Alexey Ivanov <aiva...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> This is somewhat a continuation for 
> [JDK-8307160](https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8307160) and 
> [JDK-8334509](https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8334509).
> The former removed the `doIt` flag in #18584, but it introduced a regression. 
> The regression is resolved by the latter in #19786, and it added the 'doIt' 
> flag again.
> I think using a flag makes the code less clear. When reading the code, one 
> has to keep track of the current value of the `doIt` flag.
> I raised my concern in [comments in PR 
> 19786](https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/pull/19786#discussion_r1649191308):
>> I'd rather keep `JNI_FALSE` here — it's more explicit and therefore clearer. 
>> You don't have to keep track of the value of `doIt` flag while reading the 
>> code.
>> In fact, I'd prefer no `doIt` flag at all… yet it makes handling the code 
>> below `if (ret)` slightly harder.
> I came up with a solution which simplifies handling the clean-up. The 
> solution relies on C++ destructors which are called when the declared objects 
> go out of scope.
> The C++ object wraps a lambda function to clean up and invokes this function 
> in its destructor. Such C++ class has to be a templated class because there's 
> no defined type to represent a lambda. The class has to be declared at the 
> top of the file because it needs C++ linkage.
> There are two `Cleaner` objects declared in the code of 
> `Java_sun_awt_windows_WPageDialogPeer__1show`:
> **`refCleaner`** is declared right after all the references to Java objects 
> are initialised. The corresponding `refCleanup` lambda deletes all the 
> references and replaces the `CLEANUP_SHOW` macro. Before JDK-8307160, the 
> code jumped to a go-to label to perform the clean-up.
> **`postCleaner`** is declared after `AwtDialog::CheckInstallModalHook` is 
> called. Its lambda `postCleanup` uninstalls the modal hook and handles focus 
> transfer as well as saves the updated printer parameters.
> It is `postCleaner` that resolves the bug JDK-8334868 by ensuring 
> `CheckUninstallModalHook` and `ModalActivateNextWindow` are called if 
> `::PageSetupDlg` is called.
> As the result of using `refCleaner`, all the `return` statements in the 
> function use an explicit value, which makes the code cleaner. There's no need 
> to use a `go to` statement or insert a macro to delete references to Java 
> objects, about which one had to remember — the destructor of the `refCleaner` 
> handles deleting references when `refCleaner` goes out of scope, that is when 
> the function returns.

std::unique_ptr has the option for a custom deleter, meaning it can be used to 
clean up Java objects and other cases where a simple delete call does not 
suffice, for instance

std::unique_ptr<jobject, void (*) (jobject*)> self(env->GetObjectField(target, 
AwtPrintDialog::controlID), [] (jobject* object) -> void { 
 env->DeleteLocalRef(*object); });

Admittedly for jobjects this is a lot more cumbersome, since instead of 
replacing the pointer with a smart pointer, you wrap the pointer inside a smart 
pointer... Which is unwieldy. It would be helpful if JNI had a jobject 
unique_ptr type for C++

Oops, you sent your correction about the custom deleter just as I sent my post


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/19867#issuecomment-2194667659
PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/19867#issuecomment-2194669210

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