On 25/07/16 06:04 PM, Eric Wong wrote:
> Is the pure-Ruby version acceptable for you?
> I wonder if extconf.rb should just bail out with
>       if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /win32/i
>         raise "C ext not supported on RUBY_PLATFORM=#{RUBY_PLATFORM}"
>       end

That might work for me, except there are several Windows platform
strings, and mine is i386-mingw32. In my test, I simply did an
unconditional raise and the gem built fine.


However, after my successful build of the patched gem, when I re-enabled
clogger in my rails 3 app in config/application.rb like this, it
resulted in an empty log/access.log:

    config.middleware.use 'Clogger',
      :format => Clogger::Format::Combined,
      :logger => File.open("log/access.log", "ab")

Odd, as this worked fine for me once upon a time when the application
ran on Ruby 1.8.7. (It was only when we made the switch to Ruby 1.8.7 ->
2.2.4 that clogger broke and we temporarily disabled this feature.)

> if this can't be fixed...

Do you want to go that way anyway? I certainly could provide the
Makefile and mkmf.log, except ...

> On a side note: I hope to drop the C extension if the pure
> Ruby version can offer acceptable performance nowadays.  I'd be
> much happier if there's zero chance of somebody downloading an
> unauditable pre-compiled binary.

Sounds reasonable. If this is the way you're heading, I wonder if it's
worth the effort to debug the C.



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