On Sep 11, 6:22 pm, "Paul Stadig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have created a debian package for clojure. I've basically packaged
> up the JAR with the bin script 
> fromhttp://github.com/jochu/clojure-extra/tree/master. It's still a
> work-in-progress, but if there are any debian users out there, I'd
> like feedback. To install the debian package you need to first add the
> following line to your apt sources:
> debhttp://ppa.launchpad.net/pjstadig/ubuntuhardy main
> Then just do an apt update and "sudo apt-get install clojure" and it
> should work for you (*fingers crossed*).  You can find my GPG key out
> in the ether ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) to verify the installation, whether
> you *trust* me is another issue ("Who is this guy?!"). ;) This deb was
> actually built on Ubuntu. I think it'll work on any debian based
> distribution, but I'm a newb at this, so please send me your feedback.
> This project raises (at least) two issues:
> 1. How can we get this into the standard debian distribution? It is my
> understanding that someone has to be (or become) an official debian
> developer to get it into the distribution. I'm willing to pursue that
> unless someone else is already there.
> 2. How should this be maintained/expanded? I am willing to contribute
> the debian build files back to clojure (it just adds a debian
> directory with some files in it). However, some of the things that are
> part of the debian build should probably be integrated into the main
> project and build file (man pages, bin scripts, etc.), because there
> may be other distributions that could reuse some of those files.
> Additionally, this could all be expanded to include bin scripts and
> such for Windows, too. If we're not going to merge this back into the
> main source (or if we don't want to do it yet), I could setup a GitHub
> project to maintain the debian build system separately.
> Any thoughts on all this?

Hi Paul,

As a debian user I really like the idea for having a Clojure deb.
This is generally my preferred method for installing software on
and was the first thing I looked for.

Regarding, 2, as already mentioned by you it would be nice
if the clj script + some man pages could go in. It would definitely
make life easier, especially for new user.

Perhaps, Rich can comment on rolling some of these into
the trunk.

Can rlwrap be marked as a deb package dependency for clj script?
this will ensure that the base interactive shell installation works
tab-completion and stuff.

Currently, I use Clojure from svn as it gets me the latest
and greatest feature set :)

Are you planning to pull from svn at a certain frequency
(1 a fortnight?) or to stick to the official releases? I suppose
once Clojure goes 1.0, at that point you could stick to the
latest stable release.

Maybe we could have the following packages:
  - this could be txt files generated from the deb release
 - VimClojure
 - emacs + slime stuff

My 2c.

Thanks for this.

> Paul
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