Oups... I knew I was making some stupid mistake here...

I need to do this instead:

user=> (enumeration-seq (. java.sql.DriverManager getDrivers))
user=> (java.sql.DriverManager/registerDriver (new
user=> (enumeration-seq (. java.sql.DriverManager

I read the java.sql.DriverManager javadoc a bit too fast. It wants an
instance of the Driver class, not the class

Still no idea why the static code does not register the driver:

        static {
                try {
                        java.sql.DriverManager.registerDriver(new Driver());
                } catch (SQLException E) {
                        throw new RuntimeException("Can't register driver!");

but that's minor for now. It loads fine with this patch. 

Thank you all,

On Thu, 2008-10-09 at 16:54 -0400, J. McConnell wrote:

> > The following fails:
> >
> > user=>  (cast java.sql.Driver (clojure.lang.RT/classForName
> > "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"))
> > java.lang.ClassCastException (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
> >
> > The com.mysql.jdbc.Drive does implement the java.sql.Driver interface:
> >
> > user=> (bases  (clojure.lang.RT/classForName "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"))
> > (com.mysql.jdbc.NonRegisteringDriver java.sql.Driver)
> >
> > Is my syntax right ?
> Your syntax is right, but you aren't casting the right thing here.
> (clojure.lang.RT/classForName "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver") does not return
> a com.mysql.jdbc.Driver, it returns a Class<com.mysql.jdbc.Driver>.
> I.e., it is an instance of Class, not of java.sql.Driver.
> As for how to get something valid to pass into registerDriver, I don't
> know off-hand. You need to get a valid instance of
> com.mysql.jdbc.Driver. You'll have to check the docs for that Driver,
> I guess.
> HTH,
> - J.
> > 

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