I still try to find a way to make threads inherit thread-local
bindings established via binding in the parent thread. I searched for
a function to get the thread bindings but couldn't find one. Did I
miss anything? So I added getThreadBindings() to Var.java:

diff --git a/trunk/src/jvm/clojure/lang/Var.java
index fcbd746..59825a5 100644
--- a/trunk/src/jvm/clojure/lang/Var.java
+++ b/trunk/src/jvm/clojure/lang/Var.java
@@ -282,6 +282,18 @@ public static void releaseThreadBindings(){

+public static Associative getThreadBindings(){
+       Frame f = dvals.get();
+    Associative vars = PersistentHashMap.EMPTY;
+       for(ISeq bs = RT.keys(f.frameBindings); bs != null; bs = bs.rest())
+               {
+               Var v = (Var) bs.first();
+        if (v.sym != null)
+                   vars = vars.assoc(v.sym, v);
+               }
+       return vars;
 final Box getThreadBinding(){
        if(count.get() > 0)

and with the following two functions I can finally inherit thread
local bindings.

(defn bindings []
  "Return key-value list of thread-local bindings."
    (fn [env [n v]] (conj env n (var-get v)))

(defmacro on-thread
  "Apply the given function on another thread,
  optionally with the given bindings."
    `(let [env# (bindings)]
       (eval `(on-thread ~env# ~~f))))
  ([env f]
    `(doto (new Thread #(binding ~env (~f))) (start))))

user=> (def x)
user=> (doto (new Thread #(prn (bindings))) (start))
user=> []
user=> (binding [x 12] (on-thread #(prn x)))

Not sure if the on-thread macro is kosher. Anyway, would it be
possible to add something like getThreadBindings to Var.java or point
out the right way to get the thread-local bindings?


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