
On 14 Okt., 22:13, Fogus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am attempting to work Clojure (at least partially) into my job,
> but in doing so I wonder how many of you here use it at your own
> jobs as opposed to relegating it to hobby.

I'm using Clojure at my job, but mainly to make my life easier.
It's something which doesn't show up in HR files and my boss doesn't
care as long as it gets the job done. So maybe not what you are
interested in. How did Rich put it? "I know of some companies, who
use it as their secret weapon."

Nevertheless: Although it's not a big project I see the savings
in time and code, which were already stated by others. I planned
to give the GUI to a student worker to implement it in Java, so
that I can focus on the bussiness logic in the backend. But I'm
about to change my mind and go for full Clojure. Maybe I can infect
him with the Clojuritis but I have little hope...

In any case: if it has to run on the JVM and no one cares how
it looks like under the hood, I would go for Clojure. Although one
has to bring the patience to adapt to the development. (I had
several changes while tracking the development of
clojure.contrib.lib to clojure/ns.)

Take this with a grain of salt. I'm not a software developer.
Just my two cents.


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