
Am 16.10.2008 um 20:20 schrieb Chouser:

actually want to use in navigation, "filename" or whatever.  Perhaps
you could simply pass in a filter function to your original goto, to
allow partial application-specific comparisons.
I had a look in clojure.contrib.zip-filter.xml. I think it works
a bit different, but similar. %) It is different because their
might be several nodes with the same tag name on the same level.
So you return all those nodes. I'm mostly interested in trees, where
the children of a node are unique.

I'm not sure how zip-seq trees would be used and if there's anything
from clojure.contrib.zip-filter that would be useful for navigating
There each node is defined by its children. So one can only select on
subset. Eg. the first child is the directory name and the rest the
filenames. But this would be only convention. Other than that there
would be only identical? as a short-cut comparison...

I'll will mull a bit more about this. But something along the lines
of (goto loc some-predicate path) seems like it could do what it want.


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