
On 21 Okt., 19:08, Chouser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here's my implementation:
> (defmacro >>_ [& exprs]
>   (list 'let (apply vector (mapcat (fn [expr] (list '_ expr)) exprs)) '_ ))
Now this is a nice idea.

> I used it a couple times after first writing it, but have since failed
> to find much use for it.  I guess I wouldn't really recommend it.
I often encountered the case, that I want to do an apply in the
-> or eg. some filter or map, which also does not work. But maybe
you are right, and this is a sign that the code is bad.

Nevertheless here a combined version, which does not need to
specify the _ all the time.

(defmacro >>
  [x & forms]
  `(let ~(apply vector
                '_ x
                (mapcat (fn [form]
                          (if (seq? form)
                            (if (some #(= '_ %) form)
                              (list '_ form)
                              (list '_ (list* (first form) '_ (rest
                            (list '_ (list form '_))))

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