You can get most of the functionality you're looking for with partial
(map (partial * 3) (range 10)) => (0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27)

(map (partial apply max 0) (partition 3 1 (range -5 5))) => (0 0 0 0 1
2 3 4)

On Oct 22, 5:40 pm, André Thieme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 22 Okt., 23:24, André Thieme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > This version of replace-placeholders still misses the numbered
> > args %1, %2, .. as the reader would also steal those from me.
> > In the end the #(..) macro would do it, instead of §.
> So what I just did was extending it for this demostration by using
> $1, $2, .. instead.
> First we need two little helpers:
> (defn digit-char? [char]
>   ({\0 0 \1 1 \2 2 \3 3 \4 4 \5 5 \6 6 \7 7 \8 8 \9 9} char))
> (defn numbered-arg? [arg]
>   (let [[$ & nums] (str arg)]
>     (and (= $ \$)
>          (every? digit-char? nums))))
> Btw, something like digit-char? would be nice for the boot.clj
> And now caring for the $n case:
> (defn replace-placeholders2 [body]
>   ((fn [args num-args new-body [f & r :as b]]
>     (if (not b)
>         [(seq args) (seq new-body)]
>         (cond (= f '_) (let [gensym (gensym)]
>                          (recur (conj args gensym)
>                                 num-args
>                                 (conj new-body gensym)
>                                 r))
>               (numbered-arg? f) (if-let val (get num-args f)
>                                   (recur args num-args (conj new-body
> val) r)
>                                   (let [gensym (gensym)]
>                                     (recur (conj args gensym)
>                                            (assoc num-args f gensym)
>                                            (conj new-body gensym)
>                                            r)))
>               :default (recur args num-args (conj new-body f) r))))
>    [] {} [] body))
> As I see it this might even support nested currying if only the outer
> one uses $1, $2, $3, ...
> Example:   #(map #(+ 3) %1 %1)
> Translated §(map §(+ 3) $1 $1) and moved the § inside:
> user> ((§ map (§ + 3) $1 $1) (range 1 10) (range 200 300) (range 5000
> 6000))
> (5205 5209 5213 5217 5221 5225 5229 5233 5237)
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