On Oct 27, 10:45 pm, "Stephen C. Gilardi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I used Stuart Sierra's 'fcase' contrib today to good effect. Nice job,
> Stuart!

Yes, I haven't done enough poking around in contrib - fcase looks like
a promising candidate for boot.clj.

> I have an idea for another fcase variant that I think is useful:

My thoughts are that there should only be fcase (discussion on name
follows). The variants (re-case, instance-case etc) just pollute the
namespace and add complexity without any new semantics, nor any
significant concision. For the same reasons, we don't have specialized
versions of filter etc. I'd much rather people understand the
semantics of fcase and use it with any predicate they choose:

(fcase instance? ...

(fcase = ...

(fcase re-find ...

> (defmacro pred-case
>    "Case where test values are predicates to be applied to the test
> value."
>    [test-value & clauses]
>    `(fcase (fn [pred# value#] (pred# value#)) ~test-value [EMAIL PROTECTED]))

That could be:

(fcase #(% %2) ...

> Stuart, would you please consider adding pred-case to
> clojure.contrib.fcase?

If you'd like, I think the effort would be better spent on making a
version of fcase for the base library.

The issues I have are with the name, arg ordering and default/no-match

While fcase is structurally similar to case, case is normally reserved
for equality testing against constant, unevaluated expressions, the
idea being the compiler could possibly leverage knowledge of the
constant values to do something fast. They often have order of test
promises, but I think that's wrong. I'd like to save unadorned "case"
for this meaning.

This doesn't rule out the use of "case" somewhere in the name, but is
something to consider. Another way to look at fcase is like a
parameterized cond.

There is implicit arg ordering (pred clause-value test-value) which
doesn't matter for some preds (=) but does for others (instance?). For
the uses thus far, this order seems good - instance? and re-find work
well, but there will be cases where people will want (pred test-value
clause-value). The order of things in the macro structure might imply
the latter:

(fcase pred test-value
  clause-value ...

and it might be difficult for people to remember which it is.

One possibility is to make it explicit in the macro syntax with a
placeholder (_):

(fcase = x _         ;doesn't matter

(fcase instance? _ x

(fcase some #{x} _

or maybe:

(condp (= x _)         ;doesn't matter

(condp (instance? _ x)

(condp (some #{x} _)

As far as the default, providing a default value as odd last clause is
ok, but subtle, and could use layout help, if we do that we should do
the same for cond. When no default is provided, there should be some
option for an exception on no match. That could either always be the
case, or a second variant of the macro (e.g. CL has ecase)

Finally there is the name, which has to follow the form and function.
If we go with something like the last above, I like condp/econdp.

I haven't finished my tea, so consider this idle, groggy speculation.

Comment/discussion welcome.


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