On Oct 28, 8:48 am, Stuart Halloway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> When I am troubleshooting classloader problems I find myself wanting  
> to know the list of URLs currently on the classpath. I didn't find  
> this exposed anywhere, so I wrote the functions below.
> Usage:
> (take 3 (classpath-url-seq))
> -> ("file:/Users/stuart/relevance/personal/SHCLOJ_svn/Book/code/"
>        "file:/Users/stuart/repos/clojure-contrib/clojure-contrib.jar"
>        "file:/Users/stuart/devtools/java/joda-time-1.5.2/joda-
> time-1.5.2.jar")
> Of course to be most helpful this needs to be in clojure.jar --  
> otherwise you might have classloader problems loading the classloader  
> help code. :-) Not sure if this is general enough to deserve to be in  
> clojure.jar, but you're welcome to it if others find it useful.
> Stuart
> ; -------------------------------------------------------
> (defn classloader-seq
>    ([] (classloader-seq (clojure.lang.RT/baseLoader)))
>    ([cl]
>       (loop [loaders (vector cl)]
>         (if (nil? (last loaders))
>          (drop-last loaders)
>          (recur (conj loaders (.getParent (last loaders))))))))
> (defn classpath-url-seq [& args]
>    (map (memfn toExternalForm)
>         (reduce concat
>                (map (memfn getURLs)
>                     (apply classloader-seq args)))))

I like it. I think it is a good idea to put it in clojure.jar. It
certainly helps troubleshooting.


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