On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 12:53 PM, Matthias Benkard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 5, 3:33 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> Are you sure? You're not modifying the clojure source, so you're not
>> creating a derivative work. I would think you can create a GPL
>> licensed library in that case.
> I can, but noone else will be allowed to redistribute it or works
> based upon it because the GPL disallows combining the work with CPL'd
> code.
> Imagine this scenario: There's a GPL'd Java library A.  Its license
> disallows combining it with something CPL'd like Clojure.  I can't
> release a programme based upon both Clojure and A because by doing so,
> I'd be combining A with Clojure.


But you could release your program, and your installer could download
library A and install it, no? The sticking point is in redistribution,
not installation or use.


> The CPL doesn't care, but the GPL does.  I should probably have stated
> this more explicitely.
>> Anyone who uses your library and
>> distributes the result would have to GPL their work.
> If I create a library and put a GPL + "special Clojure
> exception" (analogous to the OpenSSL exception that is so common) on
> it (or maybe a GPL + "CPL exception" or whatever), then yes, something
> like that will be the result.  And that would be a fine situation, if
> Clojure code could only call other Clojure code.  But obviously, most
> GPL'd Java libraries don't do this, if only for the fact that their
> authors didn't know or care about Clojure when they started their
> project.
>> It's analagous to claiming that Intel
>> have to GPL their design for the x86 chips that Linux runs on, because
>> Linux itself is GPL.
> This analogy seems to evade my mind.
> Matthias
> >

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