> ((String)x).length. There's no need to unify the types. There's
> nothing 'bad' about the code above, that's why we're using Lisp - the
> type systems are still struggling to be expressive enough. If some
> third class had both methods, that would become the preferred branch.

I actually hadn't thought of casting.  That does make more sense than
restricting the method type since it avoids reflection without forcing
a specific nominal type.

I wasn't saying anything about bad-boy being an example of "bad
coding".  I like type systems, but this is a dynamic language, one
where things like that are idiomatic and no cause for concern.  I was
just trying to use an obviously untypeable function to illustrate my

The problem I see with trying to infer different types along different
branches is there is nothing to stop me from creating different
branches without directly involving a known conditional construct:

(defn my-cond [pred then else] (if pred (then) (else)))

(defn bad-boy [c x]
  (my-cond c
    #(.getMethods x)
    #(.length x)))

I don't see that you would be able to infer the separate paths for
this in the general sense.  I suppose though that just recognizing
(if ...) and acting accordingly is a step in the right directly
without actually breaking anything else.  Cases like (my-cond ...)
could either be left as reflection or unified (if unambiguous).

> There's no need to go there, IMO. What I've described would be
> relatively simple and effective.

Just spinning ideas, looking to see where performance can be had while
simultaneously trying to wrap my head around the approach you
suggested.  I still think that tracing (even in a limited form) could
bring some serious performance gains on hard-hit code paths where
reflection could not be avoided, but maybe that's a thought for
another day.  Even if you did want to go with a tracing-based
approach, the overhead of bottling that analysis onto the JVM would
probably outweigh most gains.  And as you said, there's no need to go

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