Excellent, thanks!


On Sat, Nov 8, 2008 at 8:31 PM, Stuart Halloway
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> (defmacro defrunonce [sym doc & forms]
>>  "Defines a function with runonce semantics. Curren run status
>>  is kept in a reference under the :has-run metadata key."
>>  (let [[function has-run] (runonce (eval (concat (list 'fn [])
>> forms)))]
>>    `(def ~(with-meta sym {:has-run has-run}) ~function)))
> (defmacro defrunonce [sym doc & forms]
>  "Defines a function with runonce semantics. Curren run status
>  is kept in a reference under the :has-run metadata key."
>  (let [has-run (gensym)]
>    `(let [[function# ~has-run] (runonce (fn [] [EMAIL PROTECTED]))]
>       (def ~(with-meta sym {:has-run has-run}) function#))))
> --Chouser

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