As a learning exercise and also to continue to investigate Clojure
performance I've roughly translated the Alioth binary-tree benchmark
into Clojure. I chose the binary-tree simply because it's the first of
the Alioth benchmarks in alphabetical collation; I may do others

I've based my implementation on Manuel Giraud's Common LISP
and followed his algorithm blindly. However Giraud uses the Common
LISP ASH (arithmetic shift) function, and, if there's a built-in
function in Clojure, I did not find it; consequently I implemented an
arithmetic-shift function of my own. As I'm as yet unfamiliar with
Clojure it's likely that my implementation is less than optimal.

;;; -*- mode: clojure -*-
;;; From: Simon Brooke
;;; Based on Common LISP by: Manuel Giraud
;;; Node is either NIL (for leaf nodes) or an improper list (DATA

(defn build-btree [item depth]
  (if (zero? depth)
      (cons item
            (cons nil nil))
      (let [item2 (* 2 item)
            depth-1 (- depth 1)]
        (cons item
              (cons (build-btree (- item2 1) depth-1)
                    (build-btree item2 depth-1))))))

(defn check-node [node]
  (if node
      (let [data (first node)
            kids (rest node)]
        (- (+ data (check-node (first kids)))
           (check-node (rest kids))))

;;; The Common LISP implementation used the ASH (arithmetic shift)
;;; Whether this was optimisation or just showing off I'm not sure,
;;; but I'm going to blindly follow their implementation. This
;;; could almost certainly be improved upon
(defn arithmetic-shift [n i]
         (zero? i) n
         (> i 0) (loop [result n expt 0]
                                                        (= expt i) result
                                                        true (recur (* result 
2) (+ expt 1))))
                true (loop [result n expt 0]
                                                (= expt i) result
                                                true (recur (/ result 2) (- 
expt 1))))))

(defn loop-depths [max-depth & others]
        (let [min-depth (or (first others) 4)]
                         (loop [d min-depth]
                                                (let [iterations
                                                        (arithmetic-shift 1 (+ 
max-depth min-depth (- d)))]
                                                        (if (> d max-depth)
                                                                        nil ;; 
return value
(println (* iterations 2)
                                 "\t trees of depth " d "\t check: "
                                 (loop [i 1 sum 0]
                                         (if (> i iterations)
                                                 (recur (+ i 1)
(+ sum
         (check-node (build-btree i d))
         (check-node (build-btree (- i) d)))))))
 (+ d 2))))))))

(defn main [n]
;;; ignore for now the issue of parsing a command-line variable
        (println "stretch trees of depth " (+ n 1) "\t check: "
                                (check-node (build-btree 0 (+ n 1))))
        (let [long-lived-tree (build-btree 0 n)]
                         (loop-depths n)
                         (println "long lived tree of depth " n "\t check: "


I get the following values (normalised to seconds) for (time (main

Armed Bear
        Interpreted     232.54
        Compiled                 35.3
        Interpreted     600.15
        Compiled                  6.13
Clojure                  57.131432

These are not formal benchmark tests; each test is of one run, not
averaged over several, and is performed on my development machine
which has many other processes running.

What's iinteresting (to me)

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