Testing the new (ns ... :genclass ...), I copied Rich's example from

(ns my.hello
   :extends javax.swing.DefaultCellEditor
   :constructors {[Integer] [javax.swing.JCheckBox]}
   :factory makeone
   :methods [[mymax [int] int]]
   :init init
   :main true
   :state myint
   :exposes {clickCountToStart {:get get-c-count :set set-c-count}})

(defn- -main [foo]
  (println "Hello" foo "World!")
  (let [x (my.hello. 42)]
    (prn (.mymax x 21))))

(defn- -init [myint]
  [[(javax.swing.JCheckBox.)] myint])

(defn- -mymax [this i]
  (max i (.myint this)))

(defn- -getCellEditorValue [this]
  (prn :getCellEditorValue)

I can compile and run the example, but it doesn't work with the "/"
syntax for main, even though main is a static method:

user> (.getProperty System "java.class.path")
user> (binding [*compile-path* "/home/kreg/src/junk"] (compile
#{my.hello swank ...}
user> (.main my.hello (into-array ["Bizarro"]))
Hello Bizarro World!
user> (my.hello/main (into-array ["Bizarro"]))

java.lang.Exception: No such var: my.hello/main

Works from command line ok:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/src/junk
$ java -cp .:/home/kreg/src/clojure/trunk/clojure.jar my.hello
Hello Bizarro World!
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