Another possible approach. Key idea here is to use partition to create  
a sliding window over the lines, plus a sentinel value (I picked "")  
before the first line. Pretty sure I like partition over reduce for  
this particular example.

(ns examples.convert
     (:use [ :only (reader)])
     (:use [clojure.contrib.str-utils :only (re-split)]))

(defstruct line :lat :lon :name)

(defn convert [file]
   (with-open [r (reader file)]
     (doseq [[l1 l2] (partition 2 1 (cons "" (line-seq r)))]
       (if (not= l1 l2)
        (println (apply struct line (re-split #"," l2)))))))

> I am parsing a file and to compare the current line
> with the previous line of the file.  I am using line-seq
> to go thru the file and I thought I would create a
> ref to store the previous line.   When I want to update
> the previous line value I can't seem to do it.  I've
> never used refs before so I'm sure I'm doing something
> very stupid.
> (defstruct line :lat :lon :name)
> (defn convert [file]
>   (let [prev-line (ref (struct line))]
>     (with-open [r (reader file)]
>        (doseq [l (line-seq r)]
>          (let [ps (split #"," l)
>                 c-line (struct line (ps 0) (ps 1) (ps 2))]
>            (if (not= c-line @pre-line)
>              (do ; do stuff here then update pre-line
>                 (dosync ref-set pre-line (apply struct line (vals c- 
> line)))
>                 (println @pre-line))))))))  ; this prints out all  
> nils doesn't seem to work
> Sorry if this email is not formatted correctly.  Something is wrong  
> with my browser
> currently typing in a textarea.  Thanks.
> >

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