"Our model for object identity is similar to Scheme's concept of
"operational identity" [Rees86], in which objects which behave the
same should be the same. However, since "behave the same" is
undecidable for functions and function-closures, we back down from
"operational identity" to "operational identity of data structure
representations". Operational identity for data structures is much
easier than operational identity for function-closures, because there
are only a few well-defined operations on data structures, but
function-closures can do anything. We define a single, computable,
primitive equality predicate called EGAL which we show is consistent
with the notion of "operational identity of data structures". Egal is
the obsolete Norman term for equal, and Égalité is the French word for
social equality. "During the seventeenth century two parallel vertical
lines were frequently used [to denote equality], especially in France,
instead of =" [Young11]; we will later find that || is a remarkably
satisfying infix symbol for egal."

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  • re: egal Raoul Duke

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