On Nov 25, 2008, at 7:28 PM, Stuart Halloway wrote:

> (1) Did macro? ever work? If it did, I would like to go back and
> understand what change was made to Clojure and why.

Yes it did work. I believe the change described here:


would have broken it and I suspect that's when it broke.

I think in your patched version, the check for "fn?" will always be  
false in current Clojure where fn? was recently changed to return true  
only for functions (ultimately) created by fn. If we substitute the  
new ifn? which has fn?'s old meaning, it will always return true  
because the argument is a symbol and all symbols return true for ifn?.

I've updated the definition to this:

        (defn macro?
          "Returns true if x names a macro"
          (and (symbol? x)
                (:macro (meta (resolve x))))))

macro? is now a function instead of a macro which makes it more  

Here's an example. Name all the macros in clojure.core:

(filter macro? (map first (ns-publics 'clojure.core)))

(time doseq for cond fn dosync with-open sync let dotimes defmethod  
lazy-cat defstruct with-in-str loop with-out-str when-not refer- 
clojure .. doto proxy-super assert memfn when-first definline defn-  
comment ns with-precision or defn with-local-vars when-let amap ->  
while defmacro if-let and lazy-cons declare locking delay defmulti  
proxy defonce when areduce binding doc)


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