Since release 1127, you can now do this instead:

$ cat src/mypkg/HelloServlet.clj
(ns myapp.HelloServlet
   :extends javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet)
  (:import ( PrintWriter)
           (java.util.logging Logger Level))
  (:require swank clojure.main))

(defn- -init [this config]
   (swank/ignore-protocol-version "2008-11-23")
   (swank/start-server "/dev/null" :port 4006 :encoding "iso-latin-1-

(defn- -doGet [this request response]
  (.severe (Logger/getLogger "hello") "logging this thang")
  (.setContentType response "text/html")
  (let [out (PrintWriter. (.getWriter response))]
    (doto out
      (.println "<html>")
      (.println "<head>")
      (.println "<title>Hello World!</title>")
      (.println "</head>")
      (.println "<body>")
      (.println "<h1>Hello Bizarro World...from Clojure!</h1>")
      (.println (str "17 + 33 = " (+ 17 33)))
      (.println "</body>")
      (.println "</html>"))))

It doesn't handle the unloading/reloading of servlets well, so it
could be improved by:

1. Letting swank pick which port to listen on, and writing the port
number to a temporary file.
2. On unload, closing the swank socket and deleting the temporary

I posted the whole project (build.xml, etc...) here:

I'm also going to try installing a Compojure-built servlet into
Tomcat. I'll post that later if I can make that work.
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