
Whenever a seq form is preceded by #^metadata, the metadata is ignored
or only {:line n} is associated with.

For example, these return the metadata as expected:

(meta (with-meta '(1) {:v 1}))
(meta (with-meta (quote (1)) {:v 1}))
(meta (with-meta (list 1) {:v 1}))
(meta (with-meta (vector 1) {:v 1}))
(meta (with-meta (hash-map :a 1) {:v 1}))
(meta (with-meta (set [1]) {:v 1}))

But none of these equivalents work and either nil or {:line n} is

(meta #^{:v 1} '(1))
(meta #^{:v 1} (quote (1)))
(meta #^{:v 1} (list 1))
(meta #^{:v 1} (vector 1))
(meta #^{:v 1} (hash-map :a 1))
(meta #^{:v 1} (set [1]))

However, these work (because what's following is a non-seq form):

(meta #^{:v 1} [1])
(meta #^{:v 1} {:a 1})
(meta #^{:v 1} #{1})

Looking at the Clojure source code, it looks like
LispReader.MetaReader does associate the metadata to the seq form but
it's ignored when the seq form is analyzed by Compiler.analyzeSeq.

Is this by design?
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