> Polite, certainly. But as ever, the bottom line is the license under
> which it was released, and in this case that's the Apache License 2.0.
> You should decide whether that's consistent with your intentions.

It's worth noting that JetBrains has a history of including third-
party plugins as part of the core IntelliJ IDEA distribution, if the
authors are amenable and the plugin is of quality and felt to be
generally useful to the IDEA community.   I've had a few of mine
included that way, and consider it quite an honor.  In those cases,
the plugin gets relicensed as Apache 2.0.    I don't know if that's
something you might be interested in eventually, but it's something to
think about.  It's early days for Clojure, but who knows what the
future might bring.

Dave Griffith
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