Chouser a écrit :
> How about this one?  Same results as in my previous post. Still as
> lazy as possible.  Plus it's so cute!
> (defn reduction
>   "Returns a lazy seq of the intermediate values of the reduction (as
>   per reduce) of coll by f, starting with init."
>   ([f coll]
>    (if (seq coll)
>      (lazy-cons (first coll) (map f (reduction f coll) (rest coll)))
>      (cons (f) nil)))
>   ([f init coll]
>    (lazy-cons init (map f (reduction f init coll) coll))))
But I don't think it's still O(n). I searched for a way to define 
recursively such lists but the only way I found involves using mutation. 
Now with an atom it must be cleaner.


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