On Dec 6, 2008, at 8:28 PM, Paul Mooser wrote:

That's a good idea, Steve - I didn't totally understand the code you
included, but I do always forget that clojure has destructuring in its
binding forms, so I rewrote it like this, which I believe should be
fine (correct me if I am wrong):

Thanks for the polite correction to my incorrect code. :)

What you have looks correct to me.

(defn splode2 [index-path]
 (with-local-vars [doc-count 0]
(loop [[document & rest-documents] (filter my-filter-pred (document-seq index-path))]
     (when document
       (var-set doc-count (inc @doc-count))
       (recur rest-documents)))

For more simplifications with nearly equivalent effect:

(defn splode3 [index-path]
(loop [[document & rest-documents] (filter my-filter-pred (document- seq index-path))]
     (when document
       (recur rest-documents))))

(defn splode4 [index-path]
  (loop [myseq (filter my-filter-pred (document-seq index-path))]
     (when (first myseq)
       (recur (rest myseq)))))

(defn splode5 [index-path]
  (dorun (filter my-filter-pred (document-seq index-path))))


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