On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 3:20 AM, Jan Rychter <j...@rychter.com> wrote:
> I don't buy it. When you start using Python, nobody handholds you so
> that you can pick an editor. You just use whatever you have. So what's
> the deal here?

At least on Windows, Python comes with IDLE, which is surprisingly
full-featured given its simplicity.  It's got an integrated editor,
repl, debugger, help files, etc.  Very, very easy to get up and
running, and I've used Python for real work for years without needing
anything more elaborate.

Perhaps the cream-of-the-crop for simple-to-use-but-powerful IDEs is
DrScheme, the IDE that comes with PLT Scheme.  I find it far more
pleasant than the mega-complicated Java IDEs lke Eclipse.  And of
course, PLT has had many years of graduate students researching and
including innovative features like their macro debugger, which I
haven't seen in any other development environment.  Something like
that for Clojure would be a huge boon, but of course, it took them
many man-years to develop, so I'm not holding my breath.  Something
along the lines of Python's IDLE seems more realistic.

Clojure is designed to be a real-world language for practical use, so
practical details, such as IDEs, take on significance.  Yes, these are
early days, and it's a sign that the language gets so much right that
people "want it now", and overall, that's a good thing.

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