> I would propose, that the files are hosted where ever
> they are hosted now with suitable labels with which
> Clojure version they work. This works out of the box
> with the least amount of trouble.
> Meikel

In contrast to the monolithic GG Code repo or C*AN or git/hg/bzr.*hubs
I find that the Emacswiki (while by no means perfect) is the best
model I have encountered for this sort thing because:

a) it acommodates small libs that can easily be extended into ones
working environment.
b) it allows for user interaction in a temporally adhoc manner
dissimilar from that of a maillist, IRC, static site, etc.
c) it promotes community interaction
d) it consolidates questions/answers regarding *particular* libs,
tasks, data-models, environs, etc.
e) it is independent of the core Emacs devels
f) anyone can play at any level
g) itsa wiki
h) it doesn't require code be hosted on a particular server

*****NOTE***** I am *not* suggesting that any approach toward this
model need be in any way tied to Emacs. It's just that Emacs happens
to be what prompted the Emacs Wiki - if there are other communities
with a similar flavor I am simply unaware of them.

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