Hans Hubner's BKNR framework for CL explores this in a very
interesting way - while relying on CLOS meta-object protocol the ideas
could prob. be extended to Clojure. With some ABCL interaction this
would make CL -> Clojure || Clojure -> CL interop possible at the JVM
level with persistence...

Someone call me when i can pull my head out of the pipe :)


On Dec 18, 8:10 pm, r <nbs.pub...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 11:06 PM, Chouser <chou...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I've pondered a couple approaches, though only enough to find
> > problems.
> > One approach would work act like a Clojure collection, with structural
> > sharing on-disk.  This would be great because it would have
> > multi-versioning and transaction features built right in.  It would
> > also have the potential to cache some data in memory while managing
> > reads and writes to disk.
> > But Clojure's persistent collections rely on garbage collection --
> > when old versions of the collection are no longer referenced, the JVM
> > cleans them up automatically.  How would this work on disk?  How would
> > you define "no longer referenced"?
> [1. just to confirm I understand you correctly: is this a
> "transparent" case where each newly constructed data structure is
> immediately written to disk?]
> I can see another problem here: assuming we have multiple "active"
> versions of such structure at the time of closing the application,
> which of them should we restore when the application restarts? Do we
> need explicit "save"&"restore" commands to mark the data we want
> anyway? Or is it better to automatically keep track of "heads" per
> (named) thread? Or use a (transparent) Ref?
> Another issue is the efficiency of the GC itself. Whatever scheme we
> use, Clojure is going to use GC a lot. This may cause strong
> fragmentation of data on disk (not to say about performance penalty).
> > Another approach would be at the Ref or Agent level, where watchers
> > could be hooked in.  (Watchers are currently only for agents, but are
> > planned for refs as well.)  Watchers are functions that are called
> > when their underlying mutable object has a change committed, so they'd
> > be able to sync the disk up with new in-memory value.  But this means
> > the whole collection would have to be in-memory.  Also the watcher
> > gets no hint as to *what* in the collection changed.
> > So for now it seems we'll have to make do with "normal" mechansims
> > like SQL libraries.
> [2. is this an "opaque" case where data sit in memory and only when we
> switch the Ref the on-disk representation is updated?]
> Hiding the whole data structure behind the Ref and syncing data only
> when it changes would solve both problems mentioned above. The cost is
> that the data would not longer be updated incrementally so the whole
> structure would have to be flushed to the disk. This wouldn't be very
> efficient but would work with existing database back-ends.
> Perhaps it would be better to use a combination of 1. and 2., i.e. not
> only to hide data structures behind a Ref and commit changes to disk
> only when the Ref changes (as in 2.) but also to use a journal for
> tracking "modifications" to data so that only incremental changes have
> be done. Such journal could be translated (and optimized) into a bunch
> of INSERT&DELETE commands.
> Another question: what kind of data structures? List, vector and hash
> or maybe a new specialized type (a table)? Performance characteristics
> are going to be very different from in-memory data so maybe it makes
> sense for the whole mechanism to be opaque.
> -r.
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