I have another quick observation:

The (System/exit 0) bit at the end of the main function changes the
behavior of some scripts I have for starting Jetty servers. The
scripts basically end with (.start server), were server is a Jetty
Server instance, and previously would run until control-C'd from the
command line. I see in the linked thread above that this change in
behavior is required by other aspects of Clojure, which makes senes to
me. Do you know of any straiforward change I could make to these
scripts to keep the servers running? Perhaps this is a matter of the
Jetty APIs and not Clojure.

I'm not using Compujre here, but looking quickly at Compojure it seems
like it uses (.start server) as well from scripts.

- Mark

On Sun, Dec 21, 2008 at 3:59 PM, Mark McGranaghan <mmcgr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Steve,
> Your version of repl_ln.clj works for me:
> 1:1 user=> (+ 1 2)
> 3
> 1:2 user=> (throw (Exception. "test"))
> java.lang.Exception: test (repl-1:2)
> Thanks again,
> - Mark
> On Sun, Dec 21, 2008 at 3:47 PM, Stephen C. Gilardi <squee...@mac.com> wrote:
>> Hi Mark,
>> Thanks for your work on polishing up Clojure's entry point situation.
>> You're welcome. Thanks very much for the feedback.
>> I've applied your patch and tried a series of typical entry point
>> scenarios; all but one of them worked for me. Just for the record,
>> here is what did work:
>> - Using "-h" to get help
>> - Using no options to boot into a repl
>> - Running the repl with jLine
>> - Using "-" to read from stdin
>> - Running a script located based on a filesystem path
>> - Running a script located relative to classpath
>> - Using "-i" to load files before running a script
>> - Using set! in one of these init files
>> - Accessing *command-line-args* from a script
>> Excellent, that's some fine coverage. I appreciate it!
>> The one that didn't work was booting into a line-numbered repl, which
>> is the setup I use now with trunk Clojure and Clojure-Contrib:
>> java -cp clojure.jar:/Users/mmcgrana/Clojure/jars/clojure-contrib.jar
>> clojure.main -e "(use 'clojure.contrib.repl-ln)" -e "(repl)"
>> clojure.contrib.repl-ln will need an update if my patch is made part of
>> Clojure. I'm attaching the copy I'm currently using (which has not gone
>> through my usual pre-patch testing process, but is working for me.)
>> Please let me know whether it works for you.
>> Thanks!
>> --Steve

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