On Sun, Dec 21, 2008 at 7:03 PM, Adam Harrison (Clojure)
<adam-cloj...@antispin.org> wrote:
> (defmacro where [& triples]
> `(let [encode# (fn [x#] (cond (and (symbol? x#) (= (first (name x#))
> \?)) (name x#)
>                              (integer? x#) (str "\"" x# "\"^^xsd:integer")
>                              (float? x#) (str "\"" x# "\"^^xsd:decimal")
>                              (string? x#) (str "\"" x# "\"")))]
>  (apply str
>   (interpose " .\n"
>     (for [triple# '~triples]
>       (apply str
>         (interpose " "
>           (map encode# triple#))))))))
> As you can see, so far it correctly encodes SPARQL capture variables,
> and literal strings, integers and floats:
> user=> (print (where (?a ?b 1) (?a ?b 2.0) (?a ?b "string")))
> ?a ?b "1"^^xsd:integer .
> ?a ?b "2.0"^^xsd:decimal .
> ?a ?b "string"
> I tried adding '(list? x#) (eval x#)' to the encode cond to make it cope
> with expressions like this:
> (where (?a ?b (+ 1 2)))
> Unfortunately that results in an unencoded literal '3' in the query
> string instead of the '"3"^^xsd:integer' I was looking for. I tried

Here's my poor excuse for a nudge in what may or may not be the right direction:

user=> (defn encode-symbol [x] (if (= (first (name x))) (name x)))
user=> (defn encode-other [x]
 (cond (integer? x) (str \" x \" "^^xsd:integer")
       (float? x) (str \" x \" "^^xsd:decimal")
       (string? x) (str \" x \")))
user=> (defmacro encode [x]
 (if (symbol? x)
  (encode-symbol x)
  `(encode-other ~x)))
user=> (encode ?a)
user=> (encode 1)
user=> (encode 2.0)
user=> (encode "string")
user=> (encode (+ 1 2))

(Disclaimer: I don't know what I am doing, but this at least seems to work.)

Michael Wood <esiot...@gmail.com>

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