Clojure has pretty decent support for the so-called numeric tower.
But most of the math operations in Java's math library only work on

In PLT Scheme, I can do stuff like this:

and it outputs:

(sqrt 16/9)
which yields 4/3

and of course it can handle something like (sqrt 2) by outputting a double

(sqrt -1) outputs a complex number: 0+1i

In Clojure, most of these things won't work because the only sqrt
function (I know of) is the one in Java's library that works on
doubles only.

Java's pow has been another particular source of frustration for me,
because it's another one that I would expect to work on arbitrary
Clojure numbers.  It looks like Java's BigInteger library has its own
pow function, and the standard Java pow works on doubles.  Is there an
easy way to make Clojure automatically do the right thing with its

Is there any kind of math library that works a bit more intelligently
with Clojure's numbers, or has anyone looked at bringing more of these
math functions into the Clojure core or contrib so that these
functions will dispatch correctly?


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