I'm attempting what should be a simple transformation using a macro
called dlg in the following code:
(defn fld [parent lay id text field]

;; dlg macro.  For this input:
;; (dlg "test"
;;  (field fld-1 "Field number one" (JTextField.))
;;  (field fld-2 "Field number two" (JTextField.)))
;; we want this output:
;; (fn [parent layout]
;;   (fld parent layout 'fld-1 "Field number one" (JTextField.))
;;   (fld parent layout 'fld-2 "Field number two" (JTextField.))
;;   parent)

(defmacro dlg [dlgid# & fields#]
  `(fn  [parent# layout#]
        (fn [[f# id# text# type#]]
          `(fld parent# layout# '~id# ~text# ~type#))

(def inp '(dlg "test"
               (field fld-1 "Field number one" (JTextField.))
               (field fld-2 "Field number two" (JTextField.))))

(macroexpand inp)

;; =>
;; (fn* ([parent__6 layout__7]
;;      (user/fld parent__4 layout__5 (quote fld-1) "Field number
one" (JTextField.))
;;      (user/fld parent__4 layout__5 (quote fld-2) "Field number
two" (JTextField.))))

(eval inp)

;; =>
;; java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve symbol: parent__4 in this
context (NO_SOURCE_FILE:24)

I'm wondering why the macro produces 2 different "parent" symbols--I'd
like both references to be the same parent.  Any suggestions?

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