Hi, I was experimenting with clojure-contrib's sql features and found
that there wasn't any update-values function. I've written my own and
I'm sharing it here:

(defn update-values [table where column-names & values]
  "Update columns of a table with values. columns-names is a vector of
  column names (strings or keywords) and the rest of arguments are the
  values for those columns."
  (let [columns (map #(str (the-str %) " = ?") column-names)
        template (if (seq column-names)
                  (apply str (interpose "," columns))
    (apply do-prepared
           (format "update %s set %s where %s"
                   (the-str table) template where)

It only send one set of values to do-prepared because of the where
clause that would have to change according to each sets. I'm ready for
your commentaries and/or suggestions.
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