Why are there multiple  "Logging str" output.
Also  in (apply str-orig args), I don't see any args passed at all!


On Jan 5, 2:14 pm, Meikel Brandmeyer <m...@kotka.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> Am 05.01.2009 um 18:35 schrieb wubbie:
> > This example is from clojure site.
> > My question is on line 5 and line 6:
> > The confusion is str is a function and here looks like used as a
> > regular variable.
> > Thanks in advance.
> binding can be used to temporarily assign
> a different value to a global Var.
> Let's understand the example line by line.
> > (defn loves [x y]
> >  (str x " loves " y))
> First we define a function "loves" which uses
> the standard str function to concate it's
> arguments. So far easy to understand.
> > (defn test-rebind []
> >  (println (loves "ricky" "lucy"))
> Here we do a proof of concept and show
> that our function "loves" works as expected.
> Output:
> > ricky loves lucy
> Now to nitty-gritty:
> >  (let [str-orig str]    --->  line 5:
> First we save the original str function in
> a local.
> >    (binding [str (fn [& args]    --> line 6:
> >                    (println "Logging str")
> >                    (apply str-orig args))]    -->line 8:
> Now we use binding to replace the global
> str function with another one, which we
> define using the original str function. We
> log, that we called our modified function
> and the just delegate all arguments to the
> original str function, which we saved in
> str-orig.
> This modified str is only available inside
> the body of the binding form. We leave
> it by reaching the end of the body or throwing
> an exception, the original str is again
> restored. Also other threads also don't see
> the modified str. This is really restricted
> to the body of the binding.
> Now we call again our initial function "loves".
> Please note: we did not modify our function
> in any way.
> >      (println (loves "fred" "ethel")))))
> See the output:
> > Logging str
> > Logging str
> > Logging str
> > Logging str
> > Logging str
> > fred loves ethel
> Huh? So although we did not modify our "loves"
> function we get a different output? Why is that.
> The solution is binding. The loves function is
> called *inside* the binding body and although
> it is defined *outside* the binding, it will use the
> modified str function.
> So you are right the binding looks similar to
> a let.
> (binding [str ...]
>    ...)
> vs.
> (let [str ...]
>    ...)
> However the let introduces a new "str" which
> *shadows* the global str function and is only
> visible for the code in the let. In particular
> functions called inside the let will see the
> str which was in effect when they were defined.
> The binding however *replaces* the str which
> was in effect, when the function was defined.
> Of course this works only with global Vars and
> not with locals as introduced by let.
> (Note: the number of "Logging"s depends on
> the implementation of the str function.)
> Hope this helps.
> Sincerely
> Meikel
>  smime.p7s
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