On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 6:41 AM, Mark P <pierh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 1. Some of the algorithms I use have the potential
> to be parallelized.  I am hoping that as the number
> of cores in PCs increase, at some point Clojure's
> performance will beat C++'s due to Clojure's
> superior utilization of multiple cores.  (Any ideas
> on how many cores are needed for this to become
> true?)

Asuming the right algorithm, single-threaded C++ and no reflection or
boxing overhead in Clojure, then I think 2 will do.

> 2. The JVM is continually being improved.  Hopefully
> in a year or two, the performance of HotSpot will be
> closer to that of C++.  (But maybe this is just
> wishful thinking.)

We're already there. As Konrad said, they optimize differently so
objective testing is hard. I think that Java is behind on optimizing
cache locality because the structure of the typical Java program makes
this a harder problem, that's what I've heard anyway.

Sun has some wiki pages on HotSpot specific optmization techniques,
which might come in handy when you want to squeeze those last 5% of

> 3. Maybe I can implement certain performance critical
> components in C++ via the JNI.  (But I get the impression
> that JNI itself isn't particularly efficient.  Also, the more
> I pull over into the C++ side, the fewer advantages to
> using Clojure.)

JNA might be an alternative to JNI: https://jna.dev.java.net/
But I wouldn't know; haven't used either.

But instead of interfacing with C++, you might find that simply
interfacing with Java will provide enough of a boost in those
super-critical sections. Unless, that is, if your C++ is using dirty
tricks like CUDA and what-ever-the-AMD-version-is-called. :)

> If all else fails, maybe I could use Clojure as a prototyping
> language.  Then when I get it right, I code up the actual
> programs in C++.  But probably a lot would get lost in
> the translation from Clojure -> C++ so would it be worth
> it?
> I'd love to be convinced that Clojure is a viable choice,
> but I need to be a realist too.  So what do people think?
> How realistic are my three "hopes"?  And are there
> any other performance enhancing possibilities that I
> have not taken into account?
> Thanks,
> Mark P.
> >

Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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