> It all depends on your algorithms and your code. Clojure has lots of  
> support (data structures and algorithms) for concurrent programming,  
> but you have to choose and combine them yourself to get efficient  
> parallelization.

I know that there are other functional approaches where
the compiler automatically finds ways to parallelize.  Is there
much scope for this in Clojure?  Or is it all pretty much
manually added concurrency?

And this leads to another question I have about Lisp-style
languages in general.  I get the impression that in Lisp
much of the "compiler" is Lisp code itself.  Ie, layer and
layer of macros build up towards the language that then
actually gets "used".  Does this layer upon layer of macros
lead to inefficiencies in itself?  Or is the opposite true?

> Again this depends a lot on what you are doing. Hotspot is already  
> doing an impressive job on some applications, but remains bad at  
> others.

That seems to match what I've read.  On average I get the
impression that it is about 2 times as slow as efficient C++ code
and uses maybe 10 times as much memory.

What I'm wondering is whether there is still quite a bit of
"fat to be trimmed" with HotSpot, or whether it's approaching
the limits of what is achievable.

> One source of hope for better interfaces is new virtual machines. One  
> candidate is VMKit (http://vmkit.llvm.org/), an implementation of the  
> JVM (and .Net as well) on top of LLVM. Combine this with the gcc  
> version that produces LLVM code, and it should be possible to get  
> Java-C interoperability with much less friction than through the JNI.  
> On the other hand, it will be a long time before VMKit matches the  
> performance of HotSpot.

Thanks for the info!  This does sound like a promising
approach.  For the future though.

> You could also consider writing Clojure code that generates C++ code.  
> Or C, or why not directly LLVM.

Thanks.  Worth considering.  Though I don't really know
whether this is a practical option or not.  Maybe it is.

Thanks Konrad for your thoughts.  Most useful.


Mark P.

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