I'm still getting used to the primitive support in Clojure, and I want
to confirm my understanding.

As far as I know, primitive support is only supported in local let
bindings, right?

So in designing a vector math library,

To translate from Java, one would write a class with primitive fields.

class Vector{
  float x,y,z;

What would be the best choice in Clojure?

{:x 0 :y 0 :z 0}
I think a map would have too much overhead to retrieve and set keys.
Is that correct? Although this is the most straight-forward

A 3-element vector
[0 0 0]
Still has the boxing/unboxing overhead. (Unless Clojure supports
primitives in collections, which I'm not sure about)

A Java array
(make-array Float/TYPE 0)
Is this the most efficient representation?
I don't really like this representation, cause I lose the named
fields, as well as the ability to put other types of data into the
same vector struct.
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