It doesn't make sense to mix map and println. If you want side  
effects, use doseq instead of map:

(doseq [{a :a} [ {:a 1 :b 11} {:a 2 :b 22} {:a 3 :b 33}]] (println a))
{:a 1, :b 11}
{:a 2, :b 22}
{:a 3, :b 33}

If you don't want side effects, use str instead of println (you could  
also use identity):

(map #(str (:a %1)) [ {:a 1 :b 11} {:a 2 :b 22} {:a 3 :b 33}])
-> ("1" "2" "3")

If you want to destructure, use the longer anonymous fn form instead  
of the % bindings:

(map (fn [{a :a}] a) [ {:a 1 :b 11} {:a 2 :b 22} {:a 3 :b 33}])
-> (1 2 3)


> (map #(println %) [1 2 3 4]) prints 1 2 3 and 4
> But what if the vector element is a hash with
> [ {:a 1 :b 11} {:a 2 :b 22} {:a 3 :b 33}]?
> can we dereference :a using %1, like (:a %1)?
> If not, any alternative? maybe destructuring or something?
> thanks
> -sun
> >

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