Will someone please help me understand what I'm doing wrong?

The code below is *supposed* to do the following.

1) Checkout the top level directory of a Subversion repository with empty
2) Update the project directories (the ones right under the root of the
repository) with depth immediates, thus downloading their sub-directories:
"branches" and "tags".
3) Update the specific branch called BRANCHNAME with depth infinity.

The result should be that I have a Subversion working copy that looks
something like this, with BRANCHNAME also expanding to the specific code
stored in that branch.

│   ├───branches
│   │   └───BRANCHNAME
│   └───tags
│   ├───branches
│   │   └───BRANCHNAME
│   └───tags
    │   └───BRANCHNAME

The problem is that even though I have 38 projects in the repository, only 9
projects get updated.  Here's the code.  I can't provide the clojure.svn
code unfortunately, but hopefully I'm doing something obviously wrong that
someone can quickly see.

(use 'clojure.svn)
(use '[clojure.contrib.str-utils :only (re-split str-join)])

(def repo-url "URL_TO_SVN_REPO")
(def dst-dir "PATH_TO_WORKING_COPY")
(def projects (ls repo-url))
(def agents (map agent (take 5 (repeat 0))))
(co repo-url dst-dir EMPTY)
(doseq [[p a] (partition 2 (interleave projects (cycle agents)))]
      (fn [_ & args] (apply up args))
      (str-join "/" [dst-dir p])
      (fn [_ & args] (apply up args))
      (str-join "/" [dst-dir p "branches" "BRANCHNAME"])


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