On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 7:56 AM, zoglma...@gmail.com
<zoglma...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> It's important to note that, regardless of the lexical context, def(n)
>> creates global/top-level definitions (contrary to scheme, i believe).
> (defn create-a [firstName lastName]
>  (defn getFirstName [] firstName)
>  (defn getLastName [] lastName)
>  (fn [operator & operands]
>    (apply operator operands)))

It's also worth noting that this is very much discouraged, as it means
that create-a has poorly controlled global side-effects.  If you want
locals named 'getFirstName' and 'getLastName', please use 'let'
instead of 'defn':

(defn create-a [firstName lastName]
  (let [getFirstName (fn [] firstName)
        getLastName (fn [] lastName)]

However, if you mean to be changing global state, look into using any
of the well-managed state mechanisms, such as 'ref', 'agent', 'atom',
or Vars:

Also, CamelCase is discouraged unless required for interop with Java
or something else.  Clojure allows names like first-name and
get-last-name, so that format is preferred.


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