Joda Time is also a good fit for Clojure because all features in the
library have a functional implementation, whereas the current built-in
Java classes tend to use non-functional/non-threadsafe mechanisms.

- Mark M.

On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 9:14 AM, Mark Volkmann
<> wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 7:12 AM, Chouser <> wrote:
>> On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 7:20 AM, Mark Volkmann
>> <> wrote:
>>> On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 5:30 AM, AndrewC. <> wrote:
>>>> On Jan 23, 8:41 am, lpetit <> wrote:
>>>>> Interesting. Are u sure joda-time is so widely in usage among java
>>>>> developers ?
>>>> I use it and so do all my friends :)
>>>> I believe there are moves afoot to get it included in the JDK sooner
>>>> or later.
>>> That's right. So eventually it won't be an extra dependency. For that
>>> reason I think it would be much better to make the contrib date/time
>>> functions delegate to the Joda Time library.
>> It looks to me like this lib as it stands would allow me to go from
>> a date string (from a file or user input) or from the current date,
>> through some minimal calculations, and back out to a formatted string
>> without ever touching the underlying Java object directly.  Why do I
>> care if Joda time is inside or not.
>> ...except of course that every external dependency is an increased
>> burden on the users of any code I write.  It seems likely that a
>> pretty substantial percentage of use cases could be handled in a way
>> that would allow either Java lib to be used underneath.  That way I
>> would have no extra dependency now, or if I need Joda features could
>> use that instead.
> I think some reasons to use Joda Time instead of new code for
> data/time calculations include:
> 1) Joda Time is already very well tested, so it's known to be good code.
> 2) Joda Time has much more functionality than  what has been
> implemented so far in Clojure. Having the Clojure code delegate to
> Joda Time paves the way to easily add more of that functionality
> later.
> 3) When Joda Time becomes a standard part of Java, the extra
> dependency will go away.
> 4) Reimplementing Joda Time functionality consumes time that could be
> better spent on other things.
> --
> R. Mark Volkmann
> Object Computing, Inc.
> >

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