A couple things:

1. I don't know about embedding jars... Instead, use the Class-Path
manifest attribute to link in clojure.jar.

2. I noticed that your jar command was specifically packaging only
compileexample.class. You need all 4 of those generated classes in the


On Jan 27, 11:01 pm, smarf <haskell...@gmail.com> wrote:
> (ns progs.comex.compileexample
>     (:gen-class))
> (defn -main
>   []
>   (println (str "Hello " "Sverker" "!")))
> (binding [*compile-path* "C:\\clojure\\classes"]
>   (compile 'progs.comex.compileexample))
> I compiled C:/clojure/progs/comex/compileexample.clj.
> I can run the program with:
> C:\clojure\classes>java -cp C:/clojure/clojure.jar;
> progs.comex.compileexample
> Hello Sverker!
> Manifest.txt says:
> Main-Class: compileexample.class
> and is finished with a newline.
> so how do I make it a jar?
> C:\clojure\classes\progs\comex>dir
>  Volume in drive C is Vista
>  Volume Serial Number is DC46-FE33
>  Directory of C:\clojure\classes\progs\comex
> 2009-01-28  03:33    <DIR>          .
> 2009-01-28  03:33    <DIR>          ..
> 2009-01-27  23:47             1 101 compileexample$fn__554.class
> 2009-01-27  23:47             1 131 compileexample$_main__551.class
> 2009-01-27  23:47             1 812 compileexample.class
> 2009-01-27  23:47             2 431 compileexample__init.class
> 2009-01-28  03:31                34 manifest.txt
>                5 File(s)          6 509 bytes
>                2 Dir(s)   5 783 875 584 bytes free
> C:\clojure\classes\progs\comex>jar cf Hmm.jar C:/clojure/clojure.jar
> manifest.tx
> t compileexample.class
> C:\clojure\classes\progs\comex>Hmm.jar
> C:\clojure\classes\progs\comex>
> i get a popup :
> Java Virtual Machine Launcher
> Failed to load Main-class manifest attribute from
> C:\clojure
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